モジュール:Location map
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require('strict') local p = {} local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs local function round(n, decimals) local pow = 10^(decimals or 0) return math.floor(n * pow + 0.5) / pow end function p.getMapParams(map, frame) if not map then error('Location mapの名前は必ず指定しなければなりません。', 2) end local moduletitle = mw.title.new('Module:Location map/data/' .. map) if not moduletitle then error(string.format('%qはLocation mapの名前として無効です。', map), 2) elseif moduletitle.exists then local mapData = mw.loadData('Module:Location map/data/' .. map) return function(name, params) if name == nil then return 'Module:Location map/data/' .. map elseif mapData[name] == nil then return '' elseif params then return mw.message.newRawMessage(tostring(mapData[name]), unpack(params)):plain() else return mapData[name] end end elseif mw.title.new('Template:Location map ' .. map).exists then local cache = {} if type(frame) ~= 'table' or type(frame.expandTemplate) ~= 'function' then error('古いLocation mapを使うときにフレームが存在しなければなりません。') end return function(name, params) if params then return frame:expandTemplate{title = 'Location map ' .. map, args = { name, unpack(params) }} else if name == nil then return 'Template:Location map ' .. map elseif cache[name] == nil then cache[name] = frame:expandTemplate{title = 'Location map ' .. map, args = { name }} end return cache[name] end end else error('Location mapのモジュール「"Module:Location map/data/' .. map .. '"」もしくはテンプレート「"Template:Location map ' .. map .. '"」が作成されていません。', 2) end end function p.data(frame, args, map) if not args then args = getArgs(frame, {frameOnly = true}) end if not map then map = p.getMapParams(args[1], frame) end local params = {} for k,v in ipairs(args) do if k > 2 then params[k-2] = v end end return map(args[2], #params ~= 0 and params) end local hemisphereMultipliers = { longitude = { W = -1, w = -1, E = 1, e = 1 }, latitude = { S = -1, s = -1, N = 1, n = 1 } } local function decdeg(degrees, minutes, seconds, hemisphere, decimal, direction) if decimal then if degrees then error(direction .. 'において10進数形式と度分秒は両方指定できません。', 2) elseif minutes then error(direction .. 'において分は度分秒方式でのみ指定してください。', 2) elseif seconds then error(direction .. 'において秒は度分秒方式でのみ指定してください。', 2) elseif hemisphere then error(direction .. 'において半球は度分秒方式でのみ指定してください。', 2) end local retval = tonumber(decimal) if retval then return retval end error(direction .. 'の値"' .. decimal .. '"は無効です。', 2) elseif seconds and not minutes then error(direction .. 'の秒を指定する時は分も指定してください。', 2) elseif not degrees then if minutes then error(direction .. 'の分を指定する時は度も指定してください。', 2) elseif hemisphere then error(direction .. 'の半球を指定する時は度も指定してください。', 2) end return nil end decimal = tonumber(degrees) if not decimal then error(direction .. 'の度の値"' .. degrees .. '"は無効です。', 2) elseif minutes and not tonumber(minutes) then error(direction .. 'の分の値"' .. minutes .. '"は無効です。', 2) elseif seconds and not tonumber(seconds) then error(direction .. 'の秒の値"' .. seconds .. '"は無効です。', 2) end decimal = decimal + (minutes or 0)/60 + (seconds or 0)/3600 if hemisphere then local multiplier = hemisphereMultipliers[direction][hemisphere] if not multiplier then error(direction .. 'の半球である"' .. hemisphere .. '"は無効です。', 2) end decimal = decimal * multiplier end return decimal end -- Finds a parameter in a transclusion of {{Coord}}. local function coord2text(para,coord) -- this should be changed for languages which do not use Arabic numerals or the degree sign local i18nmap = {['東'] = 'E', ['南'] = 'S', ['西'] = 'W', ['北'] = 'N'} local lat, long = mw.ustring.match(coord,'<span class="p%-latitude latitude">([^<]+)</span><span class="p%-longitude longitude">([^<]+)</span>') if lat then return tonumber(para == 'longitude' and long or lat) end local result = mw.text.split(mw.ustring.match(coord,'%-?[%.%d]+°[NS] %-?[%.%d]+°[EW]') or '', '[ °]') if table.maxn(result) == 1 then result = mw.text.split(mw.ustring.match(coord,'[南北]緯%-?[%.%d]+度 [東西]経%-?[%.%d]+度') or '', '[緯経度 ]') if table.maxn(result) ~= 1 then result = {result[2], i18nmap[result[1]], result[5], i18nmap[result[4]]} end end if para == 'longitude' then result = {result[3], result[4]} end if not tonumber(result[1]) or not result[2] then mw.log('不正な座標指定です。') mw.logObject(para, 'para') mw.logObject(coord, 'coord') return error('不正な座標指定です。', 2) end return tonumber(result[1]) * hemisphereMultipliers[para][result[2]] end -- effectively make removeBlanks false for caption and maplink, and true for everything else -- if useWikidata is present but blank, convert it to false instead of nil -- p.top, p.bottom, and their callers need to use this function p.valueFunc(key, value) if value then value = mw.text.trim(value) end if value ~= '' or key == 'caption' or key == 'maplink' then return value elseif key == 'useWikidata' then return false end end local function getContainerImage(args, map) if args.AlternativeMap then return args.AlternativeMap elseif args.relief and map('image1') ~= '' then return map('image1') else return map('image') end end function p.top(frame, args, map) if not args then args = getArgs(frame, {frameOnly = true, valueFunc = p.valueFunc}) end if not map then map = p.getMapParams(args[1], frame) end local width local default_as_number = tonumber(mw.ustring.match(tostring(args.default_width),"%d*")) if not args.width then width = round((default_as_number or 240) * (tonumber(map('defaultscale')) or 1)) elseif mw.ustring.sub(args.width, -2) == 'px' then width = mw.ustring.sub(args.width, 1, -3) else width = args.width end local width_as_number = tonumber(mw.ustring.match(tostring(width),"%d*")) or 0; if width_as_number == 0 then -- check to see if width is junk. If it is, then use default calculation width = round((default_as_number or 240) * (tonumber(map('defaultscale')) or 1)) width_as_number = tonumber(mw.ustring.match(tostring(width),"%d*")) or 0; end if args.max_width ~= "" and args.max_width ~= nil then -- check to see if width bigger than max_width local max_as_number = tonumber(mw.ustring.match(args.max_width,"%d*")) or 0; if width_as_number>max_as_number and max_as_number>0 then width = args.max_width; end end local retval = frame:extensionTag{name = 'templatestyles', args = {src = 'Module:Location map/styles.css'}} if args.float == 'center' then retval = retval .. '<div class="center">' end if args.caption and args.caption ~= '' and args.border ~= 'infobox' then retval = retval .. '<div class="locmap noviewer thumb ' if args.float == '"left"' or args.float == 'left' then retval = retval .. 'tleft' elseif args.float == '"center"' or args.float == 'center' or args.float == '"none"' or args.float == 'none' then retval = retval .. 'tnone' else retval = retval .. 'tright' end retval = retval .. '"><div class="thumbinner" style="width:' .. (width + 2) .. 'px' if args.border == 'none' then retval = retval .. ';border:none' elseif args.border then retval = retval .. ';border-color:' .. args.border end retval = retval .. '"><div style="position:relative;width:' .. width .. 'px' .. (args.border ~= 'none' and ';border:1px solid lightgray">' or '">') else retval = retval .. '<div class="locmap" style="width:' .. width .. 'px;' if args.float == '"left"' or args.float == 'left' then retval = retval .. 'float:left;clear:left' elseif args.float == '"center"' or args.float == 'center' then retval = retval .. 'float:none;clear:both;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto' elseif args.float == '"none"' or args.float == 'none' then retval = retval .. 'float:none;clear:none' else retval = retval .. 'float:right;clear:right' end retval = retval .. '"><div style="width:' .. width .. 'px;padding:0"><div style="position:relative;width:' .. width .. 'px">' end local image = getContainerImage(args, map) local currentTitle = mw.title.getCurrentTitle() retval = string.format( '%s[[File:%s|%spx|%s%s]]', retval, image, width, args.alt or ((args.label or currentTitle.text) .. 'の位置(' .. map('name')) .. '内)', args.maplink and ('|link=' .. args.maplink) or '' ) if args.caption and args.caption ~= '' then if (currentTitle.namespace == 0) and mw.ustring.find(args.caption, '##') then retval = retval .. '[[Category:テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/Template:Location map|#]]' end end if args.overlay_image then return retval .. '<div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0">[[File:' .. args.overlay_image .. '|' .. width .. 'px]]</div>' else return retval end end function p.bottom(frame, args, map) if not args then args = getArgs(frame, {frameOnly = true, valueFunc = p.valueFunc}) end if not map then map = p.getMapParams(args[1], frame) end local retval = '</div>' local currentTitle = mw.title.getCurrentTitle() if not args.caption or args.border == 'infobox' then if args.border then retval = retval .. '<div style="padding-top:0.2em">' else retval = retval .. '<div style="font-size:91%;padding-top:3px">' end retval = retval .. (args.caption or (args.label or currentTitle.text) .. ' (' .. map('name') .. ')') .. '</div>' elseif args.caption ~= '' then -- This is not the pipe trick. We're creating a link with no text on purpose, so that CSS can give us a nice image retval = retval .. '<div class="thumbcaption"><div class="magnify">[[:File:' .. getContainerImage(args, map) .. '| ]]</div>' .. args.caption .. '</div>' end if args.switcherLabel then retval = retval .. '<span class="switcher-label" style="display:none">' .. args.switcherLabel .. '</span>' elseif args.autoSwitcherLabel then retval = retval .. '<span class="switcher-label" style="display:none">' .. map('name') .. 'の地図を表示</span>' end retval = retval .. '</div></div>' if args.caption_undefined then mw.log('caption_undefinedは廃止されたパラメータです。') local parent = frame:getParent() if parent then mw.log('Parent is ' .. parent:getTitle()) end mw.logObject(args, 'args') if currentTitle.namespace == 0 then retval = retval .. '[[Category:テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/Template:Location map|Caption_undefined]]' end end if map('skew') ~= '' or map('lat_skew') ~= '' or map('crosses180') ~= '' or map('type') ~= '' then mw.log(map() .. 'において廃止されたパラメータです。') if currentTitle.namespace == 0 then local key = (map('skew') ~= '' and 'skew' or '') .. (map('lat_skew') ~= '' and 'lat_skew' or '') .. (map('crosses180') ~= '' and 'crosses180' or '') .. (map('type') ~= '' and 'type' or '') retval = retval .. '[[Category:テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/Template:Location map|' .. key .. ']]' end end if string.find(map('name'), '|', 1, true) then mw.log(map() .. 'のLocation map名でパイプを使用しています。') if currentTitle.namespace == 0 then retval = retval .. '[[Category:テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/Template:Location map|Pipe]]' end end if args.float == 'center' then retval = retval .. '</div>' end return retval end local function markOuterDiv(x, y, imageDiv, labelDiv) return mw.html.create('div') :addClass('od') :cssText('top:' .. round(y, 3) .. '%;left:' .. round(x, 3) .. '%') :node(imageDiv) :node(labelDiv) end local function markImageDiv(mark, marksize, label, link, alt, title) local builder = mw.html.create('div') :addClass('id') :cssText('left:-' .. round(marksize / 2) .. 'px;top:-' .. round(marksize / 2) .. 'px') :attr('title', title) if marksize ~= 0 then builder:wikitext(string.format( '[[File:%s|%dx%dpx|%s|link=%s%s]]', mark, marksize, marksize, label, link, alt and ('|alt=' .. alt) or '' )) end return builder end local function markLabelDiv(label, label_size, label_width, position, background, x, marksize) if tonumber(label_size) == 0 then return mw.html.create('div'):addClass('l0'):wikitext(label) end local builder = mw.html.create('div') :cssText('font-size:' .. label_size .. '%;width:' .. label_width .. 'em') local distance = round(marksize / 2 + 1) local spanCss if position == 'top' then -- specified top builder:addClass('pv'):cssText('bottom:' .. distance .. 'px;left:' .. (-label_width / 2) .. 'em') elseif position == 'bottom' then -- specified bottom builder:addClass('pv'):cssText('top:' .. distance .. 'px;left:' .. (-label_width / 2) .. 'em') elseif position == 'left' or (tonumber(x) > 70 and position ~= 'right') then -- specified left or autodetected to left builder:addClass('pl'):cssText('right:' .. distance .. 'px') else -- specified right or autodetected to right builder:addClass('pr'):cssText('left:' .. distance .. 'px') end builder = builder:tag('div') :wikitext(label) if background then builder:cssText('background-color:' .. background) end return builder:done() end local function getX(longitude, left, right) local width = (right - left) % 360 if width == 0 then width = 360 end local distanceFromLeft = (longitude - left) % 360 -- the distance needed past the map to the right equals distanceFromLeft - width. the distance needed past the map to the left equals 360 - distanceFromLeft. to minimize page stretching, go whichever way is shorter if distanceFromLeft - width / 2 >= 180 then distanceFromLeft = distanceFromLeft - 360 end return 100 * distanceFromLeft / width end local function getY(latitude, top, bottom) return 100 * (top - latitude) / (top - bottom) end function p.mark(frame, args, map) if not args then args = getArgs(frame, {wrappers = 'Template:Location map~'}) end local mapnames = {} if not map then if args[1] then map = {} for mapname in mw.text.gsplit(args[1], '#', true) do map[#map + 1] = p.getMapParams(mw.ustring.gsub(mapname, '^%s*(.-)%s*$', '%1'), frame) mapnames[#mapnames + 1] = mapname end if #map == 1 then map = map[1] end else map = p.getMapParams('World', frame) args[1] = 'World' end end if type(map) == 'table' then local outputs = {} local oldargs = args[1] for k,v in ipairs(map) do args[1] = mapnames[k] outputs[k] = tostring(p.mark(frame, args, v)) end args[1] = oldargs return table.concat(outputs, '#PlaceList#') .. '#PlaceList#' end local x, y, longitude, latitude longitude = decdeg(args.lon_deg, args.lon_min, args.lon_sec, args.lon_dir, args.long, 'longitude') latitude = decdeg(args.lat_deg, args.lat_min, args.lat_sec, args.lat_dir, args.lat, 'latitude') if args.excludefrom then -- If this mark is to be excluded from certain maps entirely (useful in the context of multiple maps) for exclusionmap in mw.text.gsplit(args.excludefrom, '#', true) do -- Check if this map is excluded. If so, return an empty string. if args[1] == exclusionmap then return '' end end end local builder = mw.html.create() local currentTitle = mw.title.getCurrentTitle() if args.coordinates then -- Temporarily removed to facilitate infobox conversion. -- if longitude or latitude then -- error('[[Module:Coordinates]]からの座標とローカル指定座標の両方を提供できません。') -- end longitude = coord2text('longitude', args.coordinates) latitude = coord2text('latitude', args.coordinates) elseif not longitude and not latitude and args.useWikidata then -- If they didn't provide either coordinate, try Wikidata. If they provided one but not the other, don't. local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntity() if entity and entity.claims and entity.claims.P625 and entity.claims.P625[1].mainsnak.snaktype == 'value' then local value = entity.claims.P625[1].mainsnak.datavalue.value longitude, latitude = value.longitude, value.latitude end if args.link and (currentTitle.namespace == 0) then builder:wikitext('') --英語版ではウィキデータから座標を取得したという追跡カテゴリ end end if not longitude then error('緯度の値が指定されていません。') elseif not latitude then error('経度の値が指定されていません。') end if currentTitle.namespace > 0 then if (not args.lon_deg) ~= (not args.lat_deg) then builder:wikitext('') --英語版では緯度と経度の精度が異なるという追跡カテゴリ elseif (not args.lon_min) ~= (not args.lat_min) then builder:wikitext('') --英語版では緯度と経度の精度が異なるという追跡カテゴリ elseif (not args.lon_sec) ~= (not args.lat_sec) then builder:wikitext('') --英語版では緯度と経度の精度が異なるという追跡カテゴリ elseif (not args.lon_dir) ~= (not args.lat_dir) then builder:wikitext('') --英語版では緯度と経度の精度が異なるという追跡カテゴリ elseif (not args.long) ~= (not args.lat) then builder:wikitext('') --英語版では緯度と経度の精度が異なるという追跡カテゴリ end end if ((tonumber(args.lat_deg) or 0) < 0) and ((tonumber(args.lat_min) or 0) ~= 0 or (tonumber(args.lat_sec) or 0) ~= 0 or (args.lat_dir and args.lat_dir ~='')) then builder:wikitext('') --英語版では座標が負の値という追跡カテゴリ end if ((tonumber(args.lon_deg) or 0) < 0) and ((tonumber(args.lon_min) or 0) ~= 0 or (tonumber(args.lon_sec) or 0) ~= 0 or (args.lon_dir and args.lon_dir ~= '')) then builder:wikitext('') --英語版では座標が負の値という追跡カテゴリ end if (((tonumber(args.lat_min) or 0) < 0) or ((tonumber(args.lat_sec) or 0) < 0)) then builder:wikitext('') --英語版では座標が負の値という追跡カテゴリ end if (((tonumber(args.lon_min) or 0) < 0) or ((tonumber(args.lon_sec) or 0) < 0)) then builder:wikitext('') --英語版では座標が負の値という追跡カテゴリ end if args.skew or args.lon_shift or args.markhigh then mw.log('呼び出しにおいて廃止されたパラメータです。') local parent = frame:getParent() if parent then mw.log(parent:getTitle() .. 'の親です。') end mw.logObject(args, 'args') if currentTitle.namespace == 0 then local key = (args.skew and 'skew' or '') .. (args.lon_shift and 'lon_shift' or '') .. (args.markhigh and 'markhigh' or '') builder:wikitext('[[Category:テンプレート呼び出しエラーのあるページ/Template:Location map|' .. key ..' ]]') end end if map('x') ~= '' then x = tonumber(mw.ext.ParserFunctions.expr(map('x', { latitude, longitude }))) else x = tonumber(getX(longitude, map('left'), map('right'))) end if map('y') ~= '' then y = tonumber(mw.ext.ParserFunctions.expr(map('y', { latitude, longitude }))) else y = tonumber(getY(latitude, map('top'), map('bottom'))) end if (x < 0 or x > 100 or y < 0 or y > 100) and not args.outside then mw.log('外部フラグ設定無しに地図外にマークが置かれました。 x = ' .. x .. ', y = ' .. y) local parent = frame:getParent() if parent then mw.log('親は' .. parent:getTitle() .. 'です。') end mw.logObject(args, 'args') if currentTitle.namespace == 0 then local key = currentTitle.prefixedText builder:wikitext('') --英語版では座標が地図の外かつoutside引数が未指定という追跡カテゴリ end end local mark = args.mark or map('mark') if mark == '' then mark = 'Red pog.svg' end local marksize = tonumber(args.marksize) or tonumber(map('marksize')) or 8 local imageDiv = markImageDiv(mark, marksize, args.label or mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text, args.link or '', args.alt, args[2]) local labelDiv if args.label and args.position ~= 'none' then labelDiv = markLabelDiv(args.label, args.label_size or 91, args.label_width or 6, args.position, args.background, x, marksize) end return builder:node(markOuterDiv(x, y, imageDiv, labelDiv)) end local function switcherSeparate(s) if s == nil then return {} end local retval = {} for i in string.gmatch(s .. '#', '([^#]*)#') do i = mw.text.trim(i) retval[#retval + 1] = (i ~= '' and i) end return retval end function p.main(frame, args, map) local caption_list = {} if not args then args = getArgs(frame, {wrappers = 'Template:Location map', valueFunc = p.valueFunc}) end if args.useWikidata == nil then args.useWikidata = true end if not map then if args[1] then map = {} for mapname in string.gmatch(args[1], '[^#]+') do map[#map + 1] = p.getMapParams(mw.ustring.gsub(mapname, '^%s*(.-)%s*$', '%1'), frame) end if args['caption'] then if args['caption'] == "" then while #caption_list < #map do caption_list[#caption_list + 1] = args['caption'] end else for caption in mw.text.gsplit(args['caption'], '##', true) do caption_list[#caption_list + 1] = caption end end end if #map == 1 then map = map[1] end else map = p.getMapParams('World', frame) end end if type(map) == 'table' then local altmaps = switcherSeparate(args.AlternativeMap) if #altmaps > #map then error(string.format('%dのAlternativeMapsが提供されていますが、%dの地図しか指定されていません。', #altmaps, #map)) end local overlays = switcherSeparate(args.overlay_image) if #overlays > #map then error(string.format('%dのoverlay_imagesが提供されていますが、%dの地図しか指定されていません。', #overlays, #map)) end if #caption_list > #map then error(string.format('%dのcaptionが提供されていますが、%dの地図しか指定されていません。', #caption_list, #map)) end local outputs = {} args.autoSwitcherLabel = true for k,v in ipairs(map) do args.AlternativeMap = altmaps[k] args.overlay_image = overlays[k] args.caption = caption_list[k] outputs[k] = p.main(frame, args, v) end return '<div class="switcher-container">' .. table.concat(outputs) .. '</div>' else return p.top(frame, args, map) .. tostring( p.mark(frame, args, map) ) .. p.bottom(frame, args, map) end end return p
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モジュール:Location map/doc