< モジュール:Wd
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2025年1月25日 (土) 01:00時点における最新版
このモジュールについての説明文ページを モジュール:Wd/i18n/doc に作成できます
-- The values and functions in this submodule should be localized per wiki.
local p = {}
function p.init(aliasesP)
p = {
["errors"] = {
["unknown-data-type"] = "'$1'は不明もしくは未対応のデータタイプです。",
["missing-required-parameter"] = "必要なパラメータが定義されていません。最低限1つ必要です。",
["extra-required-parameter"] = "パラメータ「'$1'」は任意として定義する必要があります。",
["no-function-specified"] = "コールするためのファンクションを指定してください指定してください。", -- equal to the standard module error message
["main-called-twice"] = 'ファンクション"main"は2度も呼び出せません。',
["no-such-function"] = 'ファンクション「"$1"」が存在しません。' -- equal to the standard module error message
["info"] = {
["edit-on-wikidata"] = "ウィキデータを編集"
["numeric"] = {
["decimal-mark"] = ".",
["delimiter"] = ","
["datetime"] = {
["prefixes"] = {
["decade-period"] = ""
["suffixes"] = {
["decade-period"] = "年代",
["millennium"] = "千年紀",
["century"] = "世紀",
["million-years"] = "百万年",
["billion-years"] = "億年",
["year"] = "年",
["years"] = "年"
["julian-calendar"] = "ユリウス暦", -- linked page title
["julian"] = "ユリウス暦",
["BCE"] = "BCE",
["CE"] = "CE",
["common-era"] = "en:Common Era" -- linked page title
["coord"] = {
["latitude-north"] = "北緯",
["latitude-south"] = "南緯",
["longitude-east"] = "東経",
["longitude-west"] = "西経",
["degrees"] = "度",
["minutes"] = "分",
["seconds"] = '秒',
["separator"] = ", "
["values"] = {
["unknown"] = "不明",
["none"] = "無し"
["cite"] = {
["version"] = "2", -- increase this each time the below parameters are changed to avoid conflict errors
["web"] = {
-- <= left side: all allowed reference properties for *web page sources* per https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Help:Sources
-- => right side: corresponding parameter names in (equivalent of) [[:en:Template:Cite web]] (if non-existent, keep empty i.e. "")
[aliasesP.statedIn] = "website",
[aliasesP.referenceURL] = "url",
[aliasesP.publicationDate] = "date",
[aliasesP.retrieved] = "access-date",
[aliasesP.title] = "title",
[aliasesP.archiveURL] = "archive-url",
[aliasesP.archiveDate] = "archive-date",
[aliasesP.language] = "language",
[aliasesP.author] = "author", -- existence of author1, author2, author3, etc. is assumed
[aliasesP.publisher] = "publisher",
[aliasesP.quote] = "quote",
[aliasesP.pages] = "pages" -- extra option
["q"] = {
-- <= left side: all allowed reference properties for *sources other than web pages* per https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Help:Sources
-- => right side: corresponding parameter names in (equivalent of) [[:en:Template:Cite Q]] (if non-existent, keep empty i.e. "")
[aliasesP.statedIn] = "1",
[aliasesP.pages] = "pages",
[aliasesP.column] = "at",
[aliasesP.chapter] = "chapter",
[aliasesP.sectionVerseOrParagraph] = "section",
["external-id"] = "id", -- used for any type of database property ID
[aliasesP.title] = "title",
[aliasesP.publicationDate] = "date",
[aliasesP.retrieved] = "access-date"
p.getOrdinalSuffix = function(num)
if tostring(num):sub(-2,-2) == '1' then
return "" -- 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, ... 19th
num = tostring(num):sub(-1)
if num == '1' then
return ""
elseif num == '2' then
return ""
elseif num == '3' then
return ""
return ""
p.addDelimiters = function(n)
local left, num, right = string.match(n, "^([^%d]*%d)(%d*)(.-)$")
if left and num and right then
return left .. (num:reverse():gsub("(%d%d%d)", "%1" .. p['numeric']['delimiter']):reverse()) .. right
return n
return p
return p